Home Grown Snacks
Brand Identity
Forging Trust: Helping Home Grown make a mark as a trusted newcomer in the local snacks segment
Challenge :
Over the last decade, Home Grown has been renowned for delivering high-quality snacks while predominantly engaging in white labelling for B2B sales. However, as time advanced, the founder recognized the limitations of not establishing a direct connection with consumers and a distinct brand presence in the market. Our challenge was to carve out a distinct identity and establish a strong brand presence amidst a crowded local snacks market for a relatively unknown brand.
Solution :
The outcome of the Home Gown branding project marked a pioneering transformation in the local snack market. It elevated Home Grown’s brand recognition and trust while streamlining entry into supermarkets. Unlike competitors, the design was refreshingly simple yet bold, creating a standout product that communicated quality and reliability to customers, resulting in widespread acceptance across hundreds of stores.
Forging Trust: Helping Home Grown make a mark as a trusted newcomer in the local snacks segment
Challenge :
Over the last decade, Home Grown has been renowned for delivering high-quality snacks while predominantly engaging in white labelling for B2B sales. However, as time advanced, the founder recognized the limitations of not establishing a direct connection with consumers or a distinct brand presence in the market. Our challenge was to carve out a distinct identity and establish a strong brand presence amidst a crowded local snacks market for a relatively unknown brand.
Solution :
The outcome of the Home Gown branding project marked a pioneering transformation in the local snack market. It elevated Home Grown’s brand recognition and trust while streamlining entry into supermarkets. Unlike competitors, the design was refreshingly simple yet bold, creating a standout product that communicated quality and reliability to customers, resulting in widespread acceptance across hundreds of stores.
Home Grown Snacks
Brand Identity
In rebranding Home Grown snacks, we focused on the brand's narrative and unique chip-making process. Rooted in the founder's humble beginnings and expertise in selecting quality regional ingredients, the simplicity and authenticity formed the brand's core values. It was clear that to build trust and create an emotional connection with the customers we had to embrace the brand's simplicity and create something that was straightforward, impactful and boldly distinct from the other players in the market.  
A zoom in of the ingredients used in Homegrown's packaging design where Empirici Designs schowcased the transparency of brand by highlighting the ingredients up front.
Nothing else!
The brand values of simplicity and authenticity were extended to the packaging design. Placing the ingredients prominently at the forefront was a unique choice in the segment, helping to establish consumer trust and transparency. The phrase "Nothing Else" at the end of the ingredients list underscored the simplicity of the recipe. Additionally, transparent packaging allowed customers to see the product firsthand, further instilling consumer confidence.
In a crowded category where design is often overlooked, our bold use of vibrant colours and Malayalam typography created a visually striking appeal. This not only fostered a deeper connection to Kerala, the brand's place of origin but also helped in the products standing out prominently on cluttered shelves.
To capture the homemade and authentic essence of Home Grown, we crafted a website that seamlessly integrates the digital purchasing experience with the brand story. Prioritizing transparency, we aimed to build trust among customers by showcasing the genuine product quality and narrative.
“My experience working with Empirici was truly exceptional. Their commitment to the process, professional approach, perfectionist mindset and creative excellence brought our packaging to life, helping our new brand make its mark in the retail market."
Logo Icon for Homegrown Snacks, designed by Empirici Designs.
Hand holding a phone showing the mobile website designed by Empirici Designs for Homegrown Snacks.
Sreenivasan Mani
Sukanya Sreenivasan
Athen Puthiyangath (Lead)
Isha Vora
Athen Puthiyangath (Lead)
Isha Vora
Sreenivasan Mani
Sukanya Sreenivasan
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